Next time we will party harder!

Romanian Holidays and CelebrationsRomania is among the countries with the smallest number of holidays entitlements. It is not something to be proud of, but we are doing OK: any opportunity to celebrate, be it a football championship or kids’ school shows, is taken for shortening the work day (if taking the day off is not possible).

If I think about it, we are a people that enjoy having fun, relaxing, living la dolce vita with any occasion and celebrate the holidays properly.

So, the Romanian working people have 28 legal non-working days, spread like this throughout the year:

  • 21 days of vacation
  • New Year, 1st and 2nd January
  • Easter, the second day (Monday)
  • 1st May, the Labor Day
  • 1st December, Romania National Day
  • Christmas, 25th and 26th December

But there is more. Our orthodox calendar is mentioning some days that we are celebrating, next to our traditions and urban holidays. During these days we are partying, making gifts, giving flowers and cards, making phone calls and sending text messages, etc.

Spring (March – May)

Summer (June – August)

1st March, the first day of Spring

8th March, Woman’s Day

Floriile, the celebrating of those with flower names (one week before Easter)

St. George (23rd April) (also the guardian angel of the Romanian Army)

1st May, the opening of the estival season

St. Constantin & Helen (21st May)

Child’s Day (1st June)

St. Peter & Paul (29th June)

Marine Day (15th August)

23rd August

Autumn (September – November)

Winter (December – February)

St. Mary (8th September)

St. Dumitru (27th October)

St. Michael & Gabriel (8th November)

St. Andrew (30th November)

St. Nicolas (6th December)

St. Steven (27th December)

St. Vasile (1st January)

St. John (7th January)

Valentine’s Day (14th February )

Dragobete (24th February), Romanian lovers day

This overview shows that, in addition to the 28 legal holidays, there are other 20 days over the year in which we celebrate and take advantage of to shorten the work day.

Also, I have to mention the anniversaries when we want to get home sooner to have a cup of champagne with the loved ones.

Have this in mind if you are doing business with a Romanian company. Some Romanian business people work hard but also party hard.

Romanian Holidays and CelebrationsWhat do you know about Romanian holidays from your Romanian friends or business partners? Do you think that these holidays are interfering with their work?

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