I thought I have something better to do but I was wrong: I didn’t so I went to the movies to see New in Town. Now, I wish I’ve tried harder to find something else to do, like reading a book or a magazine. (more…)
I thought I have something better to do but I was wrong: I didn’t so I went to the movies to see New in Town. Now, I wish I’ve tried harder to find something else to do, like reading a book or a magazine. (more…)
1. Care este revista ta preferata (din Romania sau strainatate)? “VIVA!” 2. Spune-ne un lucru pe care l-ai invatat din reviste. Cum sa cos corect nasturi. :) 3. Ce nu-ti place la revistele pentru femei? (more…)
Uneori, e bine ca din cand in cand sa lasam cifrele sa vorbeasca: Cifrele de mai sus arata cat de cautate au fost aceste cuvinte de catre vizitatorii site-urilor monitorizate de trafic.ro, in ultimele 7 zile. Concluziile le las pe seama voa
Yes Man - the movieYesterday I saw the movie Yes Man.  I really enjoyed it. Even if it was in the middle of the week, it felt like the weekend for a few hours. The mall was very crowded and so was the cinema, but this is the magic of Orange Film – happy hour at the movies on a Wednesday night. I’ll start with the conclusion: Yes Man is worth your time and attention. It is a comedy that goes beyond smiling - it made me laugh, especially the chicken factory part.  And it is definitely better & funnier than Meet Dave. (more…)
Yesterday I saw the movie Yes Man.  I really enjoyed it. Even if it was in the middle of the week, it felt like the weekend for a few hours. The mall was very crowded and so was the cinema, but this is the magic of Orange Film – happy hour at
The New Sex and the CityI’ve heard a rumor that said that there will be a new Sex and the City made this year and released in 2010. Not Clothes and the City, but sex. Because in 2009 is all about relationships and less about shopping. We don’t have much money left to spend on fashion anyway. To support this idea, the creators of SATC decided to take a new approach: (more…)
I’ve heard a rumor that said that there will be a new Sex and the City made this year and released in 2010. Not Clothes and the City, but sex. Because in 2009 is all about relationships and less about shopping. We don’t have much money left
Unt cu patrunjel de la NapolactImi place sa incerc lucruri noi, mai ales in domeniul culinar. Asa ca mi-am cumparat unt cu patrunjel de la Napolact, o marca romaneasca pe care o consum cu regularitate, mai ales la capitolul iaurt. Pana acum am fost multumita de produsele Napolact, asa ca mi-am zis sa increc cu incredere si untul cu patrunjel. Si nu mi-a parut rau ca l-am cumparat. Untul face parte din gama Suflet in Bucatarie (frumos nume, nu?) si este la fel de bun ca si untul untul Napolact, numai ca are un gust pregnant de patrunjel. Initial m-am uitat si dupa varianta cu marar, ca-mi place mai mult, dar am aflat ca nu exista. (more…)
Imi place sa incerc lucruri noi, mai ales in domeniul culinar. Asa ca mi-am cumparat unt cu patrunjel de la Napolact, o marca romaneasca pe care o consum cu regularitate, mai ales la capitolul iaurt. Pana acum am fost multumita de produsele Napol
E vara. Cald. Prea cald. In oras e si  mai cald. Cand s-or inventa masini enorme de aer conditionat care sa ne racoreasca orasul? Ups, am uitat, exista de cand lumea si se numesc copaci. Sau pomi. Sau arbori. Au multe nume insa sunt putini la nu
The Mihai Eminescu Monument in OnestiIf you don’t know who Mihai Eminescu is, Wikipedia will tell you (almost) all about him. Too keep it short, I can tell you this: he is Romania’s greatest and my favorite poet. On January 15th (the day he was born) every year, we celebrate his work and contribution to our linguistic legacy. From all the literature I studied during school and high-school, only one poem stuck to my mind. It is a short and sweet Eminescu poem about love. Maybe that’s why I still remember it. :D The poem is called “And if …” and I’ve found a pretty good translation for it (courtesy of romanianvoice.com). If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend which can read in Romanian, dedicate her/him this poem, in its original form, on Dragobete (our very own Valentine's Day) and she\he’ll look at you in a whole new perspective. O:-) (more…)
If you don’t know who Mihai Eminescu is, Wikipedia will tell you (almost) all about him. Too keep it short, I can tell you this: he is Romania’s greatest and my favorite poet. On January 15th (the day he was born) every year, we celebrate his
Decembrie a fost luna cadourilor, dar si a petrecerilor. Asa ca probabil ai primit bijuterii in cadouri sau ai rascolit tot arsenalul de bijuterii pentru a alege accesoriul perfect pentru petreceri. Daca decembrie a fost luna cadourilor, ianuarie