Don´t tell me

Romanian Folk Music
I love Romania because, from time to time, I come across a piece like this that makes me glad that I am a human being.

Here are the details of this marvelous creation:

Title: “Nu-mi spune” (“Don´t tell me”) –– genre: folk music

Artist: Walter Ghicolescu

Lyrics: Tatiana Dragota

The song goes straight to my heart, and the lyrics are divine. A quick search on Google proves me that I’m not the only one in love with life when listening to this song.

Listen to it and, if you have a Romanian friend, ask him/her to translate you the lyrics.

Enjoy it with friends, alone, after a tough day or at bed time. It will bring good memories, right?

Nu-mi spune ca totu-i risipa,
Iluzie arsa-n zadar.
Reda-mi rasuflarea in pripaSi lasa-mi speranta macar.
Vorbeste-mi de luna de stele,
De tot ce-ti placea pana ieri,
Cu mainile-n mainile mele
Cu noi si-nzecite puteri,
Nu-ntoarce privirea in taina,
Nu-ti pune nadejdea-ntrun pas,
In fiece nastur din haina
Un fir de-amintire a ramas.
Din buzele intoarse spre mine,
Soarbe-mi dorinta dintai.
Hai vino ca ieri langa mine,
Nu-mi spune ca pleci, mai ramai.
Hai fa-te comoda in fotoliu,
Infrunta-ti tendinta spre nu,
Renunta te rog la orgoliu
Si canta-mi din nou voulez vouz.

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