Play Tag with … Books

Play the Game of Tag with Books Closest to YouWhile catching up with reading blogs over the weekend, I’ve found an interesting post: play tag online with books. I’m sure you’ve played tag in you childhood, you remember the fun you had.
I loved this version immediately and here’s my challenge for you:

1. Pick up the book closest to you, no matter where you are right now.
2. Open it on page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence/phrase on that page.
4. Post below, in the comments section, the next 4 sentences/ phrases.
5. Send this post to a friend or more, and invite them to do the same.
6. Do NOT search around for a cool or smart book; just pick up the one closest to you.

Here is my book: Romanian-English Dictionary, by Andrei Bantas (I’m at the office now :D ).
Ha (interj) = ha!
Habar (sn) = idea; (grija) care
Hac (sn) = a veni de ~ cuiva to get the better of somebody.
Hai(de) (interj) = come on!

Now it’s your turn! You’re it! ;)

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Acest articol are 1 comentariu aprobat până acum.

“Amantul doamnei Chatterlay”
“Pe noi toti. Noi, cei care intruchipam clasele guvernante, ne-am vedea siliti in cele din urma sa reinstituim o forma mai blanda de sclavagism, pt a sili clasa muncitoare sa munceasca. Nu exista vreo alternativa, decat anarhia.”
Desigur, nu e un citat reprezentativ. Imi place foarte mult citatul:
“-Nu gasesti deprimant faptul ca noi nu putem vedea din oameni altceva decat fetele? Nu crezi ca fata e partea cea mai neplacuta a oamenilor?
(…)-De ce, uneori, in sculptura, un tors fara cap poate fi atat de impresionant? Are o viata a sa proprie.
(…)trupul, traind o viata proprie, pura si neprihanita, dincolo de fata cu toate complexitatile si frustrarile si vulgaritatea ei!”