Spamul ma amuza!

Titluri de mesaje spam amuzanteNu sterg mesajele din spam / bulk fara sa trec cu privirea peste expeditor si subiect. Niciodata nu se stie ce mesaj important ajunge acolo!

In ultimul timp, unele subiecte de mesaje mi-au atras atentia si mi s-au parut funny, asa ca le-am colectionat aici pentru amuzamentul vostru.
Niciodata nu am deschis un mesaj spam, insa titlul spune totul, nu? Am pastrat, in lista de mai jos, textul in original, fara sa corectez ortografia.

Asadar, iata cele 25 de titluri de mesaje spam amuzante:

  1. Branded watches that fell off the truck
  2. The ultimate male package
  3. Grow thicker, harder and longer
  4. Remember the day our country came together as one and forever changed
  5. You’re not crazy, Everything is really FREE!
  6. Need Cash? Highest Prices Paid For Gold Jewelry!
  7. Be a Lazy Google Millionaire! Pe aceeasi tema: Quit Your Boring Job and Be A Google millionaire! si Turn On The Google ATM Machine!
  8. the answers to your problems
  9. This is how you become a CSI. Get your Forensics Degree!
  10. Diamonds and Bling  for rock bottom prices
  11. You are what you wear
  12. Ultrasound Technician is a fast growing field. Get started on your degree
  13. Gold Jewelry? Unwanted Jewelry? Get Cash NowGold Jewelry? Unwanted Jewelry? Get Cash Now
  14. Cheating House Wife
  15. Invest in the world’s hottest emerging market! BRAZIL. Pe aceeasi tema: Brazil is Booming Buy Land si Brazil Land Rush! Private Beach lots from $
  16. Medical Assisting! Why Stress At A Job You Don’t Like!
  17. Have Santa send a letter to your Child from the North Pole
  18. Become a Sociologist, Help People For A Living!
  19. one wiffe is not enough (corect era wife)
  20. Being thankful for TV, but not satisfied
  21. The shortest way to enrich your organism with Calcium.
  22. Johnson finds winning is getting tougher
  23. Get paid to complete online IT questionnaires
  24. Instructions to watch Internet TV
  25. You could unlock the game developer within – 100% Online!

O minte antrenata ar putea trage anumite concluzii din aceste titluri de mesaje spam ce sunt trimise zilnic cu milioanele in casute de email. Poate ca pentru istoricii viitorului, o privire asupra acestor texte ar putea diagnostica starea de sanatate a unei societati (cea Americana, in cazul de fata, mesajele fiind primite de la ei) sau tendintele comertului. 8-}

Daca va plac, revin cu partea a 2-a, in functie de ce-mi pica si mie in InBox. :))

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